Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crazy Bloggers

I decided to become a true blogger or at least attempt to. Now I would really love to keep this up and hopefully it will become important to me. Some people go over the edge with it though. There was a story in the news the other day about an R&B star named Erykah Badu that was blogging as she was giving birth...ok...that is wayyy tooo far! So what was she doing? "Breathe! Push! Blog?” The only thing I would be doing is pushing and screaming. Sometimes I just think people go a bit overboard with it. Supposedly, she was writing short messages updating her fans on her delivery. No offense, but who cares? I'm sure her fans weren't online wondering "hmm..I wonder where exactly the baby is in her vajay-jay canal. Obviously she doesn't realize that nobody really cares. I think blogging is taking over some people's life. I mean is she going to blog when she’s on her deathbed also so she can give us a play-by-play? That is just crazy.

I love taking pictures of different items so I am going to try to include some of my pictures in upcoming blogs. Unfortunately, I am not much of an artist so I am not going to torture you with my artwork. I can draw stick figures and that is about it. Although I do not have a scanner because I am a poor college student so you will rarely see my stick figures. Well, I will write some more when I think of something else to write about. Thanks for reading!

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