Wednesday, February 4, 2009

At a Loss for Words...

I really don't know what to blog about today...not much to say. It was supposed to snow today, in which case classes would have been cancelled. Unfortunately, I had to drag my butt out of bed for my 10:00am class because the snow had to melt...Go figure. So we had a health & safety inspection of our dorms tonight. What kind of name is that? I mean, are they checking to see if my room has a cold or something? Is it healthy enough? haha! Ok so here are some pictures of weird animals:

1. Blobfish (what early risers ACTUALLY look like in the morning)

2. Tarsier (kinda cute...isn't it?)

3. Gardiner’s Seychelles frog (its sooo tiny!)

4. Alpaca (kinda looks like a llama, huh):

5. Tapir (!):

6. Aye-aye (can you actually believe this is a really animal?!):

7. Komondor Dog (you don't need a mop if you have one of these..):

8. Angora Rabbit (I would name him

9. Sloth (ok...this picture is sooo funny. It looks like it's smiling! :o)

My dream job is to be a Zoologist or a Marine Biologist but I don't have the opportunity to take any classes like this at my college. For now i'm majoring in Environmental Studies because it's the closest major to animals that I can get. Thanks for taking a look at my weird animals. Hopefully one day I will be able to actually see these animals for myself...or maybe I don't want to see some of them. :o)


  1. That blobfish blew my mind, Aeriel!

  2. Hey Aeriel...luvd this idea...I'm blogging too! just started so not as much u...but cum visit soon!
