Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Bunch of Nonsense

Okay...I really don't want my blog site to turn into a gossip site. There is only one gossip girl! (xoxo..you know you love me). It was just that I saw that news story today and it just so happens I wrote my first blog today also. Coincidence? I think not. I'm going to try to not gossip as much but I do like talking about the news. I love to know other people's perspectives on news stories also. I just find it kind of interesting that people have totally different thoughts that never would have come to my mind. I know some people are going to find this crazy but I have a Happy Bunny poster right by my bedside because I believe some of the quotes are perfect for life. Like "boys lie and kind of stink." so true..I think all girls should live by this one. I know..happy bunny can be cruel sometimes but other times it has the wisest sayings. I find it such an oxymoron. I mean..HAPPY bunny. About 95% of the times it doesn't have happy things to say. I'm really supposed to be typing an essay right now but this is so much more fun and interesting. Isn't it weird that I can spend hours writing a bunch of nonsense, yet I won't get down to business and do my school work? If only they had an assignment to keep a blog..then I would be fine, huh?

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