Friday, February 6, 2009

Being Healthy & Crazy Hairstyles

People say that in order to form a habit you must go through with it for 21 days first. So I have started working out yesterday so that is 1 day...only 20 more days to go. Well summer is coming up so it would be great to have that dread bod. The only part I am bad at is the eating healthy part. I mean, how do people expect us to eat healthy when the unhealthy food is so much cheaper. I mean when I walk into the cafeteria at college all I see is crap, crap, and more crap! The healthy food section is in another section of the caf and it is only open at lunch and dinner. It's really hard to be healthy when you walk straight into the junk food first. When school first started I kept forgetting that the healthy food section was even there. Thats how bad it is. So I went to work out yesterday and did Ab Lab and Zumba. Ab Lab made my abs burn but I guess that is what it's supposed to do. Zumba was hot, steamy, and FUN! The latin music had such a smexy beat and it made me want to move. I should have taken pictures..I keep forgetting to do that..grrr. Well, anyways...yeah. I didn't write anything yesterday because, truthfully, i've been having a bit of writers block. Today's pictures show some of the craziest hairstyles I could find:

This is too cool for even words to expain!! grrrr

omg! that is actually looks like a face!

awww way to show spirit for the olympics! they're so cute.

haha this is the best face hairstyle yet!

This is really funny! if I saw this I would die laughing lol

can you say MOWHAWK! wow

I wish I could do my hair like seems that only Asians can pull funky colorful hairstyles off.

not very tough guy like but creative. Ewww! chek out the fly in one of those flowers!

wow!!! imagine how much hair products they use. They probably ask for more hairy products for their b-days and Christmas.

looks uncomfortable.....

I know this is not hair but it was too funny NOT to put on

Hope you enjoyed the crazy hairstyles. The next blog theme will be "Weird Shoes". Hope you enjoy. Talk to ya later. Ciao!

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