Friday, February 6, 2009

Being Healthy & Crazy Hairstyles

People say that in order to form a habit you must go through with it for 21 days first. So I have started working out yesterday so that is 1 day...only 20 more days to go. Well summer is coming up so it would be great to have that dread bod. The only part I am bad at is the eating healthy part. I mean, how do people expect us to eat healthy when the unhealthy food is so much cheaper. I mean when I walk into the cafeteria at college all I see is crap, crap, and more crap! The healthy food section is in another section of the caf and it is only open at lunch and dinner. It's really hard to be healthy when you walk straight into the junk food first. When school first started I kept forgetting that the healthy food section was even there. Thats how bad it is. So I went to work out yesterday and did Ab Lab and Zumba. Ab Lab made my abs burn but I guess that is what it's supposed to do. Zumba was hot, steamy, and FUN! The latin music had such a smexy beat and it made me want to move. I should have taken pictures..I keep forgetting to do that..grrr. Well, anyways...yeah. I didn't write anything yesterday because, truthfully, i've been having a bit of writers block. Today's pictures show some of the craziest hairstyles I could find:

This is too cool for even words to expain!! grrrr

omg! that is actually looks like a face!

awww way to show spirit for the olympics! they're so cute.

haha this is the best face hairstyle yet!

This is really funny! if I saw this I would die laughing lol

can you say MOWHAWK! wow

I wish I could do my hair like seems that only Asians can pull funky colorful hairstyles off.

not very tough guy like but creative. Ewww! chek out the fly in one of those flowers!

wow!!! imagine how much hair products they use. They probably ask for more hairy products for their b-days and Christmas.

looks uncomfortable.....

I know this is not hair but it was too funny NOT to put on

Hope you enjoyed the crazy hairstyles. The next blog theme will be "Weird Shoes". Hope you enjoy. Talk to ya later. Ciao!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

At a Loss for Words...

I really don't know what to blog about today...not much to say. It was supposed to snow today, in which case classes would have been cancelled. Unfortunately, I had to drag my butt out of bed for my 10:00am class because the snow had to melt...Go figure. So we had a health & safety inspection of our dorms tonight. What kind of name is that? I mean, are they checking to see if my room has a cold or something? Is it healthy enough? haha! Ok so here are some pictures of weird animals:

1. Blobfish (what early risers ACTUALLY look like in the morning)

2. Tarsier (kinda cute...isn't it?)

3. Gardiner’s Seychelles frog (its sooo tiny!)

4. Alpaca (kinda looks like a llama, huh):

5. Tapir (!):

6. Aye-aye (can you actually believe this is a really animal?!):

7. Komondor Dog (you don't need a mop if you have one of these..):

8. Angora Rabbit (I would name him

9. Sloth (ok...this picture is sooo funny. It looks like it's smiling! :o)

My dream job is to be a Zoologist or a Marine Biologist but I don't have the opportunity to take any classes like this at my college. For now i'm majoring in Environmental Studies because it's the closest major to animals that I can get. Thanks for taking a look at my weird animals. Hopefully one day I will be able to actually see these animals for myself...or maybe I don't want to see some of them. :o)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ok, I know this is the third post of the day but it just has to be written. I would like to introduce everyone to Totoro! He is a character on the movie My Neighbor Totoro which is directed by Hayao Miyazaki. I'm not a huge anime fan but this guy has some great movies. I really want a Totoro, but he's not real so I guess that's not really possible. This is my favorite video clip of Totoro in the rain:

I know this was a short post but I think everyone deserves the opportunity to meet the one and only Totoro!

A Bunch of Nonsense

Okay...I really don't want my blog site to turn into a gossip site. There is only one gossip girl! ( know you love me). It was just that I saw that news story today and it just so happens I wrote my first blog today also. Coincidence? I think not. I'm going to try to not gossip as much but I do like talking about the news. I love to know other people's perspectives on news stories also. I just find it kind of interesting that people have totally different thoughts that never would have come to my mind. I know some people are going to find this crazy but I have a Happy Bunny poster right by my bedside because I believe some of the quotes are perfect for life. Like "boys lie and kind of stink." so true..I think all girls should live by this one. I know..happy bunny can be cruel sometimes but other times it has the wisest sayings. I find it such an oxymoron. I mean..HAPPY bunny. About 95% of the times it doesn't have happy things to say. I'm really supposed to be typing an essay right now but this is so much more fun and interesting. Isn't it weird that I can spend hours writing a bunch of nonsense, yet I won't get down to business and do my school work? If only they had an assignment to keep a blog..then I would be fine, huh?

Crazy Bloggers

I decided to become a true blogger or at least attempt to. Now I would really love to keep this up and hopefully it will become important to me. Some people go over the edge with it though. There was a story in the news the other day about an R&B star named Erykah Badu that was blogging as she was giving birth...ok...that is wayyy tooo far! So what was she doing? "Breathe! Push! Blog?” The only thing I would be doing is pushing and screaming. Sometimes I just think people go a bit overboard with it. Supposedly, she was writing short messages updating her fans on her delivery. No offense, but who cares? I'm sure her fans weren't online wondering "hmm..I wonder where exactly the baby is in her vajay-jay canal. Obviously she doesn't realize that nobody really cares. I think blogging is taking over some people's life. I mean is she going to blog when she’s on her deathbed also so she can give us a play-by-play? That is just crazy.

I love taking pictures of different items so I am going to try to include some of my pictures in upcoming blogs. Unfortunately, I am not much of an artist so I am not going to torture you with my artwork. I can draw stick figures and that is about it. Although I do not have a scanner because I am a poor college student so you will rarely see my stick figures. Well, I will write some more when I think of something else to write about. Thanks for reading!