Monday, October 18, 2010

Crazy Shoes!

So as you would have guessed things have been a little crazy since I last posted. I am now a Junior and in the process of changing my major. I just realized that Geography is not for me and I am leaning more towards public health. I think this is a better fit for me. Enough about what i've been up to though. I am going to make this post about the craziest shoes I was able to find online. I am going to post pictures:

So these shoes are plenty crazy. I just have some comments about a couple of them. Those shoe pants are pretty funky and they might come in handy when shopping. When it comes time to trying clothes on, you can take your pants and shoes off at the same time. The pokemon gameboy shoes would have been so awesome to have when I was younger and gameboys were actually cool. Those fish ones are pretty nasty. I'm not sure if they are real fish or not. The shoes with the fish in the bottle would be cool fish tanks. I wouldn't wear them because all that sloshing may kill the little fishies. The shoes with the bugs in the bottom is just plain nasty. I could see it now. I'm walking with those and I fall, cracking the shoe. Then all those nasty bugs come out...hellll no! Those dog shoes are funny and a little weird. Those feet shoes are pretty disgusting. Those red high heel boots should be on a futuristic Austin Powers movie :o)
I hope you guys enjoyed my crazy shoe section. Come back in a few days for more crazy stuff.